The SPORTS FARM project was born from the will of the Italian Federation of Athletics, in collaboration with CIA, the Italian Farmers Confederation, to bring athletics to the countryside by offering the opportunity to guests of agricultural businesses and agritourisms to integrate the knowledge of the territory and its agri-food products with the need for movement in both competitive and amateur sports.
The person is immersed in places where the agri-food culture par excellence is at home, where he can see and touch what they are and how they produce all those foods essential for a correct and balanced diet, essential for both the professional athlete and for the person who moves to feel good or to face a rehabilitation process.
Explanation of this project is the INTELLIGENT PATH:
An innovative technological platform to be installed inside the “Farms” which allows, thanks to the use of chips, to detect the travel times of the route.
By imagining a series of paths spread over the entire national territory, we can hypothesize an integrated system useful for promoting the same agricultural businesses.
Any agritourism or peri-urban agricultural company can assume the qualification of Sports Farm as long as it possesses specific structural, sporting and agri-food requirements.